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・ブラジルのバスジャック事件、その真相 /神様はどこにいるんだろう /ツイッター。なにがなんだか /世界の給食 



 おととい。テレビで偶然みた、ブラジルのバスジャック事件の真相。 警察に包囲されるなか、犯人がバスの乗客に銃をつきつけて「警察が攻撃してきたら、この人を撃つ」。そして銃声&乗客たちの悲鳴。
 犯人は人質の乗客にこう言う。「あなたを撃ったりはしない。 撃つふりをするから、そうしたらあなたは殺されたふりをして、他の皆さんは悲鳴をあげてください。」

 犯人の男性は、スラム街に生まれ、幼い頃に父が蒸発、育ててくれた母親は彼の目の前で殺された。彼はストリート・チルドレンとなり、孤児院に引き取られる。孤児院では愛情深い女性が孤児たち一人ひとりの話をきいて、抱きしめてくれた。 けれど、孤児院も貧しく、子供たちは一般市民からの差別を受けていた。


 警察とのにらみ合いのすえ、やがて銃声 →乗客の悲鳴 →警察による突入 →乗客の救出&犯人確保。


 彼の生い立ちを知ったあたりから、わたしは涙がポロポロでてきて、シャツの袖口で拭ったけれど。 彼に賛同した乗客たちの優しさと温かさに、涙はあとからあとからあふれてきて、ティッシュがすぐにびしょ濡れ。 それにしても悲しい結末。 世の中にはこんなことがありすぎる。いい人にかぎって早死にしたり、理不尽な思いをしている人がいたり。 神様はどこにいるんだろう。



 きのう。ツイッターをはじめてみた。 なにがなんだか、よくわからない……^^;



namosiranu_sou /草(そう)のツイッター

世界10か国の給食を見てみよう 日本は恵まれ過ぎていることがわかる



(※ ブラジルのバスジャック /ツイッター

The day before yesterday. Truth of the Brazilian bus-jacking event I watched on television by chance. If the police is attacking, the inside and the criminal surrounded by the police "force a gun on a passenger of a bus and shoot this person". And report of a gun and the squeal of the passengers.
But I say that that was acting by a criminal and a passenger. What had on earth happened in the bus?
A criminal says so for hostage's passenger. "You aren't shot. Because I make a gesture to shoot, then you make a killed gesture, and everyone else scream, please."

When criminal's man was born in the slums, and they were young, my father disappeared, and the mother who brought up was killed right in front of him. He'll be a street children, and is taken charge of in an orphanage. An affectionate lady heard and hugged talk of an orphan individual at an orphanage. So poorly, children also received discrimination from general citizen an orphanage.
An event happens. The policeman who complained that orphans threw a stone in the police car of the police fired a gun blindly at the orphans who were sleeping at an orphanage, and 8 orphans passed away.
Appropriate for thinking he hijacked a bus from such growth, and made know that there is an orphan doing regrettable concern in the world to society.

Passengers of a bus decided to think of him regrettably, give the necklace you're protecting to them (of bus-jacking conviction) and cooperate in his behavior.

The rescue and the criminal securement of a plunge-> passenger by which hostility with the police puts and chooses a report of a gun-> as the scream-> police force of the passenger soon.
When the police shoots a passenger to death by mistake at passenger's rescue and criminal securement and, criminal's man is held down to the police, you can make them choke, and I say that they have passed away.

A tear came out hard, and I wiped with a cuff of a shirt from the vicinity where I knew his growth. The gentleness and the warmth of the passengers who approved him are being brimmed with tears from the back from the back, and a tissue will be soaked immediately. Even though regrettable ending. This is excessive in an age. The person only a good person dies at an early age, and who is doing unreasonable concern is coming. Where will God be?

Yesterday. twitter has been begun. ... which doesn't know well what is what,..., ^^;
